Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Not too long ago I was reading a bit on martial arts, including the book Learning Martial Arts, by Steve Potts (excellent for younger kids interested in martial arts) and also Ninjutsu, by Aidan Trimblen.
One book I read that I can really recommend is Superdove, by Courtney Humphries. Ms. Humphries takes a look at the seemingly lowly pigeon and explains just why they can strut with pride. I give this book all five stars!
One of my hobbies is reading about random countries/states.
So far, I've read:
Rebecca Stefoff, Nevada
Rebecca Stefoff, Utah
Rebecca Stefoff, Oregon
Rebecca Stefoff, Washington
Leslie Jermyn, Guyana

As I was waltzing down the (library) aisle, I came across the biographical section and happened upon a fascinating book about Stalin that I picked up, which I also give a high rating. After reading this I gained quite an understanding of what occurred in Russia and why Stalin was feared by many. The TAA (Title and Author) is Joseph Stalin, by Steven Otfinoski.
I really recommend it!

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